Okay, so there are a few posts missing here - like Abby's whole life! Most especially the one about how Abby had another appt. even scheduled. :/ Also, how everything went the last few times, why we are here again, etc.
However - the good news for now is that Abby has done so well today that she is being discharged this evening!!! Yay!
We will spend the night in SLC, and head home Fri. morning. Hopefully there will be lots more here - SOON!
Here are the Facebook posts from today:
Wed. night:
Abby is having a cardiac cath on Thursday. Her appt. is for 8 am. An overnight stay is expected. We will update here as we are able. She'll do great!
12:00 pm today :
Abby is in the cath lab now and things are going quite well. Her pulmonary pressure has dropped to NORMAL levels since our last visit. (This is huge!) Several more collaterals have formed from her IVC to her liver so they are trying to block them off now.
She will be out in another hour or two and we plan on a completely uneventful night in the Cardiac ICU before going home.
Thanks for all the prayers and support!
1 pm today:
Abby is awake and doing great! Her procedure went really well. Hopefully I will update to her blog later on... but we just MIGHT be going home today and if so, then we'll be pretty busy. loves to all! Thank you for your thoughts, faith, and prayers!
6 pm today:
Being true to her normal amazing ways - Abby is getting discharged this evening! We'll be in SLC tonight and leave for home in the morning. :) We are so thrilled!